Home > sights & sounds > 6410 & 5035

PRR J1a 6410 and Santa Fe 5035 at Bellevue, Ohio

        First you will hear a Pennsy J1 followed by a Santa Fe class 5011.  Both 2-10-4 's are passing the tower at Bellevue, Ohio.  Each has a unique sound starting with their whistle followed by their exhaust.  The photos below by Alex Campbell are not the locomotives on the recording, but sister engines of the same class.

        The sounds of #6410 and 5035 are from the LP album "Power of the Past! The Working Sounds of Steam 1954-1957" by Howard Fogg, OWL Records ORLP-17, monaural, Boulder, Colorado, 1971.  Recording from the Ryan Hoover Collection.

Click here for Sounds of 6410 and 5035


PRR 2-10-4

Santa Fe 2-10-4