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CRP&L Co. #374       

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Photo from the DAK collection

        The Columbus Railway Power and Light Company's Columbus - Westerville line was more like an interurban railroad than any other CRP&L line.  The cars assigned to the route had center aisle cross seats rather than the bench seats found on the streetcars.  They had two motors per truck instead of the one-motor maximum traction trucks used on the streetcars.  A bright interurban headlight was needed on the run through the countryside.  Customers received hourly service rather than the 5-10 minute headways found on most of the streetcar routes. 

        Finally this line provided freight service to Westerville.  Freight motor #374 built in 1907 provided that less-then-car-load package service.  Shown here on Cleveland Avenue near the entrance to Minerva Park #374 is carrying milk cans and pulling flat trailer #3 (later renumbered #013) with a load of hay.

        When CRP&L started numbering work equipment with a leading zero #374 became #015.  In 1915 a new Freight motor #055 would also work the Westerville route.  As late as 1926 the Westerville freight motor made three daily round trips between Westerville and Columbus providing a valuable service to the once isolated village.

        For the modelers out there here is a drawing of #374 prepared by Donald A. Kaiser working from an original CRP&L Co. drawing and photographs.