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Columbus & Hocking  Valley

Columbus & Toledo

Ohio  & West Virginia

Columbus, Hocking Valley & Toledo

Wellston & Jackson Belt

Hocking Valley Railway 1899-1930


Hocking Valley After 1930

LM Tower



Hocking Valley RY Map

Mound Street Yard/Shops

1930 Map - Columbus

Ed's Corner


Conductor Ed Miller collecting tickets on the

North Shore car at the Ohio Railroad Museum

in the 1970's.  Photo by David Bunge

        Ed is Edward H. Miller the author of The Hocking Valley RailwayDuring his thirty years of research into the Hocking Valley, Ed collected copious information, material and photographs, far more than would fit into any one book. He has agreed to share some of this additional material with readers. 

        To set the stage, introductions to the piece parts that went into the Hocking Valley Railway are found in the sections listed on the left.   In addition a map of the Hocking Valley Railway, before the C&O RR came on the scene can also be found to the left. 

        The reader can expect to see more Hocking Valley Railroad history here, at Ed's Corner, as time permits.