Streetcar System Remnants

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        Even in 2007, if you know where to look, there are remnants of Columbus' streetcar system to be seen. The last streetcar line was discontinued in 1948, however, trolley buses ran until May, 1965 giving some of the buildings a few more years of active transit life. Here are some of those remnants. If you know of a Columbus streetcar remnant, please send an email to Photos by Alex Campbell, except where noted.


Kelton Avenue Shops
South High St. Carhouse
North High St. Carhouse
West Broad St. Carhouse
Merritt St. Carhouse
Cleveland Ave. (Milo) Carhouse
Westerville Carhouse
CNA&J Carhouse

Equipment, Right-of-Way and Miscellenous

Streetcar Equipment
Streetcar Right-Of-Way
Hague Avenue
Grandview Material Yard
Ramlow Alley Company Housing