Newspaper Articles

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Newspaper Articles

Horsecar Era - Columbus

Oct., 1872

Critique of the Columbus Street Railways - Horsecar lines were in bad shape making nobody happy in 1872.    Newspaper

Nov., 1873

New Street Car Barn - on South High Street.    Newspaper

Jan., 1875

Glenwood & Greenlawn Street R.R. - West Broad streetcar service planned.    Newspaper

Dec., 1875

Street Railways - The author argues for improved late night streetcar service.    Newspaper

Jan., 1880

Collision of egos - The Consolidated and North High Street Companies in conflict.    Newspaper

May, 1885

Street Railway Matters - Going ons in the 1885 streetcar business.    Newspaper

Oct., 1885

Car Stable Fire - at the South High Stable & Carbarn.    Newspaper

April, 1888

Critique of the Columbus Street Railways - by 1888 the horse car lines were much improved and electric streetcars were showing promise.    Newspaper

June, 1889

Pay Your Fare - A review of the Columbus Horsecar lines at their peak.    Newspaper

Steam Dummy Era - Columbus

Sep., 1871

North Columbus Railroad - Construction to Start.    Newspaper

Sep., 1873

North Columbus Railroad - New Dummy engine delivered.    Newspaper

Feb., 1874

North Columbus Railroad - Progress report.    Newspaper


North Columbus Railroad - A Look Back.    Newspaper

Electric Streetcar Era - Columbus

July, 1890

Broad Street Car Line - Conversion to electric streetcars.    Newspaper


Various newspaper articles - The Transition to Electric Streetcars. -    Newspaper


Various newspaper articles - The End of Horse Cars. -    Newspaper

July, 1894

Columbus Central Street Railway - Electric Power House -    Newspaper

Oct. 1899

The Columbus Railway Co. - Combined Three Street Car Companies. -    Newspaper

Oct. 1901

The Columbus Railway Co. - Electrical System Plans. -    Newspaper

Jan., 1902

How a Big Street Railway System is Handled. -    Newspaper

Dec., 1915

How to Use a Streetcar Transfer. -    Newspaper

Aug., 1919

Company to Take Owl Cars From Four Lines -    Newspaper

July, 1925

The First Street Car in Columbus. -    Newspaper

Aug., 1930

Milo Car House Fire. -    Newspaper

Aug., 1931

Electra Party Car Recalled. -    Newspaper

June, 1933

Streetcar Fire Caused by Broken Trolley Wire. -    Newspaper

Sept., 1938

Mrs. Byers First Streetcar Ride in September, 1889. -    Newspaper

Sept., 1939

From Horecars to Electric Co. -    Newspaper

Sep., 1948

The Rise and Fall of The Electric lines Recalled by Floyd Clunis. -    Newspaper

Sep., 1948

The End of The Streetcar Era. -    Newspaper

Nov., 1957

Oscar Hott President of the Columbus Transit Company. -    Newspaper

Electric Streetcars - Lancaster

May, 1931

Conductor on the Lancaster - B.I.S. Car. -    Newspaper

Sep., 1937

This Car to the Barn - LT&P Co. -    Newspaper

June, 1950

Lancaster Sesquicentennial Retrospective - LT&P Co. -    Newspaper

June, 1950

Veteran Motorman in 1910 - LT&P Co. -    Newspaper

Feb., 1979

Remembering the B.I.S. line - LT&P Co. -    Newspaper

Accident Accounts


Newspaper Articles

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