The Poor's Manual

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Poor’s Manual of the Railroads - Traction

The Poor’s Manual of the Railroads was first published in 1868. It is principally a financial report on the various railroads in the United States both steam and traction. Of special interest to the railfan are the equipment counts and dates when the lines were built and when they were involved in mergers and acquisitions. Two sources for digital copies of the complete manuals are found as follows:

         Poor's Manual of Railroads, 1872-1924 (Hathi Trust Digital Library ) - some copies missing

         Poor's Manual of Railroads, 1868-1917 (Robarts – University of Toronto)

         Poor's Street Railways in Ohio - 1911-Index
         Poor's Street Railways in Ohio - 1911-Manual

Particular to Central Ohio are excerpts from Poor's of individual streetcar and interurban lines.

Selected Entries - Streetcar Companies

Columbus Street Railway Companies - Note 1

         1899 - Columbus Street Railway,   Columbus Central Railway,   Crosstown Street Railway
         1905 - Columbus Railway & Light Co.,   Central Market Street Railway

Central Ohio Street Railway Companies - Note 2

         1899 - Small Town Street Railways
         1905 - Small Town Street Railways

Selected Entries - Interurban Companies

Columbus Newark & Zanesville Electirc Railway

         1905 - Columbus Buckeye & Newark Traction Co.,   Columbus Newark & Zanesville Electric Railway

Columbus Delaware & Marion Railway Co.

         1905 - Columbus Delaware & Marion Electric Railroad,   Delaware & Magnetic Springs Railroad

Columbus London & Springfield Railway

         1905 - Columbus London & Springfield Railway,   Columbus Grove City & Southwestern Railway

Columbus Grove City & Southwestern Railway

         1905 CGC&S Ry - see the CL&S Ry above.

Columbus New Albany & Johnstown Traction Co.

         1905 - Columbus New Albany & Johnstown Traction Co.

Columbus Urbana & Western Railway

         1905 - Columbus Urbana & Western Railway

Scioto Valley Traction Co.

         1905 - Scioto Valley Traction Co.

         In the early years of the electric streetcars small lines in Columbus became part of the
         major company.
         The Columbus Central Railway was the Columbus-Westerville line.
         The Crosstown Street Railway was the West Broad Street line, A.K.A. Glenwood &
         Green Lawn Railroad
         The Central Market Street Railway was the interurban loop in central city Columbus.
         and the four lines from the Columbus City Limits to the interurban loop.

         Many of the small town streetcar lines were absorbed into the Interurban lines as they
         were developed.