Along The ROW

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Along the Right-of-Way of
Central Ohio's Steam Railroads

         In the Nineteenth and early Twentieth Century railroads provided important services to the villages and towns located along their right-of-way. It was not unusual for there to be a small railroad depot or station under the direction of a station agent every few miles.
         We are fortunate to have a photo record of these depots through Real Photo Post Cards that became popular starting around 1903.   RPPC are photographs printed on special card stock that can be sent through the U.S. Mail.   Villages too small to warrant a commercial printing of picture postcards could still have a RPPC provided by a local amateur photographer.   The railroad depot was a popular subject for those photographers.
         The “Along the ROW” page will feature village and small town depot photographs along with village scenes when available. Depots within the seven county Central Ohio area will be included.
         To help locate the villages and towns the reader will find links to three of the “Railway Map of Ohio” series published by the State of Ohio in – 1899, 1910 and 1918.   Use the county name to assist in your map search.

New York Central (T&OC - Eastern Branch)

                                            T&OC 1932 Northern Map ,   T&OC 1932 Southern Map ,

       Croton       Johnstown       Alexandria    Clemons       Granville
   Central City         Hebron    Millersport    Thurston


Camp, Mark J  Railroad Depots of Central Ohio, Arcadia Publishing 2008


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