Ralston Steel Car Co.

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Ralston Steel Car Co. Shops
circa 1920

The Ralston Steel Car Co. manufacturing facility located on Columbus' eastside. The drawing shows the fully developed site as it would have been in the 1910-30 time period.

The drawing is looking toward the south (Cassady Avenue runs north-south.) Drawn by R.R. Weaver from the George Greenacre Collection.
1. Pennsylvania Railroad/Baltimore & Ohio Railroad joint mainline. A.K.A the Pan Handle
and as the Newark Division.
2. Toledo & Ohio Central Railroad - industrial branch line from Truro to the south ending
at industries located along Woodland Avenue to the north.
3. Columbus New Albany & Johnstown Traction Co. - an interurban line that in spite of its
name ran only between Columbus and Gahanna. Their carbarn was located on or
next to the Ralston property.
4. Fourth Avenue
5. Rarig Avenue - named for the previous owner of the Ralston property.
6. Morris Avenue or Alton Avenue - There were two north-south streets between Cassady
Avenue and Rarig Avenue. The drawing only shows one.
7. Cassady Avenue

        To learn more about the Ralston Steel Car Co. click here.