The West Broad Street (Glenwood) Carhouse - 2007

        The Glenwood carhouse at the corner of West Broad Street and Glenwood Avenue was originally a horsecar stable for the Glenwood & Green Lawn Railroad Co. In 1891 the line converted from 3' 6"  to 5' 2" gauge and electrified.  In 1891 it became part of the Columbus Consolidated Street Railway Company.  Two of the original buildings from the early streetcar days are still standing, although the building that faces on West Broad Street was partly torn down at sometime with the east half becoming open. 

        The camera is looking south across West Broad Street with Glenwood Avenue off camera to the right.  The  east side (left in this  picture) of the building was removed at sometime.

        Rear and east side of the building that faces on West Broad Street.

        Another shot of the east side of the building.  The sky lights can be seen on the roof of the building which was typical in early Columbus carhouses.

        The second building still standing on the Glenwood carhouse property.

        This is the Glenwood Avenue side of the property showing both buildings.  The attached block building on the right was probably not there in the streetcar days.

        The Glenwood Avenue side of the first building showing the high roof area with its sky lights.  This building must date back to at least 1890.