Streetcar Right-of-Way - 2007 There is very little evidence of the streetcar lines left in the streets of Columbus. The few examples involve brick streets and the private right-of-way in Minerva Park.
The Westerville line's right-of-way, in Minerva Park, can be seen along the north side of Minerva lake. The old right-of-way is on a slight rise with a side walk where the tracks were once located. The line runs east-west through Minerva Park connecting Cleveland Avenue where the line turns south toward Columbus and State Street (State Route 3) where the line turns north toward Westerville.
Moving east of the last picture the Westerville line follows the northern edge of the Minerva Park Golf Course toward State Street. At the low point ahead is a small bridge.
Mohawk Street in German Village showing where streetcar tracks were removed and bricks installed of a lighter color than the other street bricks. Mohawk had standard gauge, double track. It carried the Summit-Steelton line as well as the Scioto Valley Traction interurban line.
Pennsylvania Avenue at Fifth Avenue showing the north end of the Parson-Pennsylvania line. The double track entered a switch to bring the end of line to a single track. The motorman switch trolley poles, moved his controller, brake and door control handles to the other end of the car and was off on the next trip.
View looking south on the Parsons-Pennsylvania line's north end. This street has not changed in 60 years.