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Parsons - PA

Yard Office

Network Diagram - C&O



The Parsons Yard Office built in 1918 was known as the “The Brick”. The Yard Office stayed open until 1988 and the building was torn down around 1992.  The camera is looking west. Part of Buckeye Steel Castings Co. plant can be seen on the right behind the Yard Office.  Photo from the Gray Rolih Collection.

     In the 1950s the switches on the west end of Parsons Yard were manually operated by a switch tender. The Yardmaster determined the traffic flow into and out of the yard. He used a speaker system to direct the switch tender as to how he wanted the switches lined.

     There was an operator at the Parsons Yard office on the first floor northeast corner of the building. His time was spent handling train orders and sending and receiving train consists via teletype machines.

     Around 1983 the operator’s office was relocated to a new building at Parsons Yard at which time some west end switches were upgraded to electric control. The operator then took responsibility for lining those switches using a control console.