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Scioto Valley Traction 1924 Statistics The Scioto Valley Railway and Power Co. (Successor to the Scioto Valley Traction Co.) - office , Third and Rich Streets. Connects Columbus and Lancaster, Columbus and Chillicothe and intermediate points Power station equipment three A.C. Allis Chambers, General Electric total 6000 kva, 375-2300 volts, three phase25 cycles: 3000hp engine Hamilton Corliss ; 2300hp boiler McNaughton Franklin; 4000kw turbine (steam) General Electric; transmission voltage 27,000v; trolley voltage 600-625v. Seven sub-stations total capacity 4000kw; eight rotary converters . Power station and repair shops at Rees Station. Reaches Columbia Park. 78 miles of which 3 miles are in paved street; (third rail); 4' 8 1/2" gauge; 13 motor passenger (no 1-man), 5 trailer passenger, 4 freight motor, 17 freight without motors and 12 service cars. Fare 3 cents per mile. Company does general lighting and power business. - taken from the McGraw Electric Railway Directory 1924