CD&M - North of Worthington
The Columbus Delaware and Marion Electric Co. right of way north of
Worthington was typical of so many Ohio interurbans. There was
side of the road track that followed the contour of the land. It
followed alongside US 23 first on the east side, and then north
of Orange Road it switched to the west side. This series of photos
starts at Glenmary Trestle, where Flint Road intersects US 23, and ends
at Stratford a distance of about nine miles.
Located on this section of the CD&M just south of Stratford is Kingman
Hill which gave the southbound CD&M freight motors such a challenge.
It must have been startling to drivers potting along at 35 or 40 mph to
have a big interurban blow by at 65 mph. The first photo will
show that even in early 1930 there weren't many autos on US 23.
To enlarge the pictures click on the photo.

Our journey begins on the approach to Glenmary trestle. The Flint
station is on the right. On the far side of the trestle is Glenmary
Park a popular amusement park owned by the CD&M. This photo was
taken toward the end of the CD&M which was August 23, 1933. Track
maintenance is being neglected as shown by the weeds. The photo is
looking north as are all photos in this series.
Photo from the David Bunge Collection

US 23 takes this little jog maybe to save on fill. The road
leading to Camp Mary Orton is on the left.
Photo from the David Bunge Collection

A view from the low point on the road jog. The trestle is off camera on the
Photo from David Bunge Collection

A photo from the early days of the CD&M showing
the 900 foot long trestle. The height is described as both 65 and 75
feet. At one time there may have been plans to fill in the trestle
with fill material. That never happened.
Photo from DAK Collection

A view just north of Glenmary trestle. The sign on the right of the
track in the distance reads "County Line 1500 feet". That would be
the Franklin/Delaware County line. The property on the right may be
part of Glen Mary Park.
The track followed the elevation of
the road providing an up and down ride. When US 23 was made into a
four lane road the railroad right of way became part of the road.
Photo from the David Bunge Collection

The Photographer has moved north about 500 feet or so. The large
tree on the left is also in the previous photo. The drive to
the right leads to a Harding Sanitarium (later Harding Hospital) satellite facility for custodial care called Beach Haven.
The orchard on the left may be part of Brown's Fruit Farm.
Photo from David Bunge Collection

A road crew improving a driveway entrance . Behind the men is one
of the five sidings located between Glenmary trestle and Stratford.
Four were stub end sidings.
Photo from David Bunge Collection

US 23 abruptly crosses the Olentangy River at Stratford. The CD&M crossed to the
west side of the Highway Between Orange and Liberty Roads. Just behind
the camera is a bridge for the CD&M to also cross the river. For
perspective on that click here.
The building in the background is the CD&M power house and car barn at
Stratford. December 27, 1927 the power house, by then only used for
emergency power, and the car barn were destroyed by fire. Only the
paint shop remained. The CD&M also had a car barn in Delaware.
Photo from David Bunge Collection

Another view of the power house and car barn. A "Danger Curve"
sign has been added since the previous photo was taken.
Photo from David Bunge Collection

Another view of the US 23 bridge over the Olentangy River. This
photo was taken after 1927 as the car barn and power house are gone.
In the early 1930's a new bridge was built through the CD&M property
that straightens out this curve.
Photo from David Bunge Collection

Looking across the Olentangy River at the hole left by the car barn/power
house fire. The church with the steeple in the distance just to the
left of the pole is still there in 2009.
Photo from David Bunge Collection