Ohio Railway Museum
Postcards - Set 2
These post cards show the six original cars in the museum collection.
The photos were taken c.1957. Photos by BJ Kern
with help from Dave Bunge. Alex Campbell Collection.

Ohio Public
Service (OPS) #21 was the first car that the Central Ohio Railfan's Association acquired
in 1946. #21 was a wooden interurban car built in 1905 by the Niles Car
Co., Niles, Ohio, for the Toledo, Port Clinton and Lakeside Railway. B.J. Kern,
one of the museum founders and a long time trustee, was the motorman.
The car is southbound approaching Proprietors Road in the
foreground. The museum had 1500 feet of right-of-way on the west
side of Proprietor's Road, following the original Columbus Delaware and
Marion Railway (CD&M) Worthington cutoff of 1927.

OPS #21 is at
the south end of the track before the CD&M bridge over SR 161 was rebuilt
in the 1960's.
Erie Railroad gas-electric #5012 is generating the 600 volts DC power for the
traction cars. James "Jimmy" Osborn is the motorman. #21
has a CD&M "Through the Heart of Ohio" logo on its side.
Later the members would remove it and restore #21 to its 1930's OPS

Columbus Railway
Power and Light Co. (CPR&L) center cab work motor #067 with B. J. Kern at the
controls. The CRP&L had three of these cars that they
used for track work. The cab was indented on the side so rails could
be carried. The cars were often photographed with ties or paving
blocks stacked on the ends. They were also used to switch railroad
cars at the Grandview Avenue pole yard. Numbers 065, 066 and 067 were built
in 1923 at the Kelton Avenue shops. The trucks and electrical
equipment came from retired streetcars.

Erie Railroad
gas-electric #5012 next to the ORM car barn. #5012 was built in 1931
by the Bethlehem Steel Co. and the Electric-Motive Corp. It has two
300 HP gasoline engines used to power two 600-volt DC generators which, in
turn, powered the electric traction motors geared to the axels. #5012
was used to provide power for the streetcars from 1953 until replaced in
1959 with a motor-generator set donated by the Columbus & Southern Ohio
Electric Co.

#5012 at Potter
Street generating power for the traction cars. A cable coming from
the trolley wire can be seen on the side of the car leading to the open
electrical box just behind the gas tank. A second cable also coming from the box is connected to the track.
Its was safe, really! A phone line can be seen going in the front
cab window. Note the old washing machine frame used as a
stepping stool.

The Kansas
City Public Service Co. Birney Safety Car #1545 is at Proprietors
Road. The term "Birney" refers to the engineer who designed this
1920's four wheel streetcar which was operated by one man. The ORM's Birney was built in 1920 by American Car Co. They were
popular on lightly used streetcar routes, often in small towns.
Because of its short wheel base, it would bob up and down if the track
was not perfectly level. Above 25 MPH some ORM members thought
it might jump the track. It was a fun car to operate.

Cincinnati & Lake Erie Railroad (C&LE) lightweight interurban #119 at the
Proprietors Road crossing. O.M. Hoock is the motorman. #119 was built by
the Cincinnati Car Co. in 1930. One of these cars, when new, was used in
a publicity newsreel showing it racing and beating an old bi-winged airplane.
reached 95 mph during the race. #119 gave a very smooth and fast ride, even on the
museum's short main line. After C&LE ceased passenger operations in 1939,
some of these cars were sold to the Cedar Rapids & Iowa City interurban
railway and to Lehigh Valley Transit in Pennsylvania.

Once a year in
the 1950's and 60's the museum held an annual night operation.
It gave the old timers a chance to see the traction cars all lit up
once again. C&LE #119 is shown at the car barn with the Kansas City Birney
#1545 and OPS #21.