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Ohio Railway Museum Postcards - Set 5

         These photos showing the early museum pieces were taken in the 1960's.  They were freshly painted and restored to the original condition.  Photos by David Bunge.  Alex Campbell Collection.

The first car acquired by ORM, Ohio Public Service (OPS) #21, is approaching Proprietors Road from the west end.  #21 is lettered "Ohio Public Service " and the CD&M herald is gone.  A more authentic "basket weave" fender, as used by the OPS, has replaced the wooden railroad-style pilot first used at the ORM.  #21 was built in 1905 by the Niles Car Co. in Niles, Ohio, for OPS predecessor, Toledo, Port Clinton & Lakeside Railway.

A night shot of OPS #21.  It has a new paint job and green stained glass has been reinstalled in the arched "Pullman-style" windows. 

The photographer used four flash bulbs to make the picture.  He had smoke blown in front of the headlight so the beam would show up.

C&LE #119 with a new canvas roof painted tan and an authentic C&LE paint scheme with gold leaf lettering.

Detroit Street Railways #3876 at the Proprietors Road crossing.