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Columbus Streetcar Roster

Stability Era - 1905-1918

        By 1905 the early rapid expansion was changing to a more stable period with some new streetcars added each year.  During this time the Pay-As-You-Enter (P.A.Y.E.) car design was introduced to help speed up loading and unloading in the busy Long to State Streets section of High Street.  Multiple Unit (MU) control allowing two streetcars to be connected and operated by one motorman was also tried. 

        All cars on this list were double truck and most were equipped with maximum traction trucks.   The cars used a two man crew, a motorman and conductor.  The open cars had cross seats and the closed cars bench seats along the side of the car with a few exceptions. Streetcar #590 is a good representative of this type of car (see "1908 CRP&L Co. Streetcar #590").

#497-506 - Ten closed cars built  by the G.C. Kuhlman Co. in 1905.  They were taken out-of-service in 1936.  Four cars #498-500 and 502 were Multiple Unit (MU) equipped.  #498 was in the 1913 flood.

#507-516 - Ten open cars built by the St. Louis Car Co. in 1906.  They seated 60 on cross seats.  These cars were rebuilt as closed cars in 1916.   They were taken out-of-service in 1936.

There Are No Photos Available For Cars #517-526

#517-526 - Ten closed cars built by the G.C. Kuhlman Co. in 1906.  Cars 521 and 523 were MU equipped.  Cars #518, 521 and 523 were damaged in the 1913 flood.  They were taken out-of-service in 1936-1938.

#527-536 -   Ten closed cars built by the G.C. Kuhlman Co. in 1906.  Cars #535 was damaged in the 1913 flood.  They were taken out-of-service in 1937.

#537-585 -  There are records for only four cars in this series - #552, 554, 571 and 574.  What data there is indicates that each one was unique.  Cars 551 and 554 were standard gauge.  Car #574 was an open car.

#586-595 - Ten closed P.A.Y.E. cars built by the G.C. Kuhlman Car Co. in 1908.  They seated 34 on bench seats.  They were used on the State and Oak Streets line per the December, 1908 Brill Magazine.  They were taken out of service in 1938 and 1939.

#596-625 - Thirty closed P.A.Y.E. cars built by the G.C. Kuhlman Car Co. in 1909.  They seated 34 on bench seats.  The cars were taken out of service between 1938 and 1940.

#626-632 - Seven closed cars built by G.C. Kuhlman Car Co. in 1910.  All cars were standard gauge.  They were taken out of service in 1932 except for 632 which was OOS in 1935.

#633-636 - Four semi-steel body closed cars built by the G.C. Kuhlman Car Co. in 1911.  They seated 52.  Some or all were used on the Westerville line.  Unlike the maximum traction trucks each truck was equipped with two motors.  They were taken out of service in 1932

#637-648 - Ten closed P.A.Y.E. cars built by the G.C. Kuhlman Car Co. in 1911.  They seated 34 on bench seats.  They were taken out of service between 1938 and 1940.

#649-658 - Ten closed P.A.Y.E. cars built by G.C. Kuhlman Car Co. in 1912. They seated 34 on bench seats.  They were taken out of service between 1938 and 1940.

#659-668 - Ten closed steel sided cars built by the G.C. Kuhlman Car Co. in 1918.   They were taken out of service in 1940 and 1947.  They were converted to one man cars July 19, 1933.

Car numbers 669-700 were not assigned.

#1000 - Double truck, double deck closed car built by the J.G. Brill Co. in 1914.  For more information see 1914 CRP&L Co. Car #1000 Part I & Part II.